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Tevm has an actions based api similar to viem’s actions api and following similar patterns. This is a higher level of abstraction than the lower level JSON-RPC api.

Note: Memory client also is extended with all viem test and public actions

Error handling

By default Tevm clients will return a rejected promise when actions fail. Clients can optionally also return errors as values. This is very useful for handling errors in a typesafe way. All actions have a matching error in the tevm/error package.

To return errors as values pass in a throwOnFail: false option to the tevm action. Currently on tevm actions are supported and not other actions such as eth actions.

const {errors, data} = client.readContract({,
throwOnFail: false,
// the `name` property on errors is typesafe and can be used to determine the type of error
if (errors?.[0].name === 'FailedToEncodeArgs') {

TevmClient actions

TevmClient methods are the main recomended way to interact with Tevm. 🚧 means the procedure is still under construction

Note the call family of actions including, TevmClient.contract, and TevmClient.script will execute in a sandbox and not modify the state. This behavior can be disabled via passing in a enableTransaction: true parameter.

Base Client and tree shakeable actions

While MemoryClient is suggested for most users, users trying to squeeze out bundle size wins such as 3rd party libraries may want to use the lower level BaseClient api.

Tevm supports tree shakeable actions similar to viem.

To make a minimal Tevm client use createBaseClient and import actions such as tevmSetAccount from @tevm/actions.

import { createBaseClient } from "tevm/base-client";
import { setAccountHandler } from "tevm/actions";
const baseClient = createBaseClient({
fork: { url: "" },
const tevmSetAccount = setAccountHandler(baseClient);
await tevmSetAccount({
address: `0x${"01".repeat(20)}`,
balance: 420n,