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BaseCallParams<TThrowOnFail>: BaseParams<TThrowOnFail> & object

Properties shared accross call-like params

Type declaration


optional blobVersionedHashes: Hex[]

Versioned hashes for each blob in a blob transaction


optional blockOverrideSet: BlockOverrideSet

The fields of this optional object customize the block as part of which the call is simulated. The object contains the following fields: This option cannot be used when createTransaction is set to true Setting the block number to past block will not run in the context of that blocks state. To do that fork that block number first.


optional blockTag: BlockParam

The block number or block tag to execute the call at. Defaults to latest


optional caller: Address

The address that ran this code (msg.sender). Defaults to the zero address. This defaults to from address if set otherwise it defaults to the zero address


optional createAccessList: boolean

Whether to return an access list Defaults to false


optional createTrace: boolean

Whether to return a complete trace with the call Defaults to false


optional createTransaction: "on-success" | "always" | "never" | boolean

Whether or not to update the state or run call in a dry-run. Defaults to never

  • on-success: Only update the state if the call is successful
  • always: Always include tx even if it reverted
  • never: Never include tx
  • true: alias for on-success
  • false: alias for never Always will still not include the transaction if it’s not valid to be included in the chain such as the gas limit being too low.


optional depth: number

The call depth. Defaults to 0


optional from: Address

The from address for the call. Defaults to the zero address. It is also possible to set the origin and caller addresses seperately using those options. Otherwise both are set to the from address


optional gas: bigint

The gas limit for the call. Defaults to 0xffffff (16_777_215n)


optional gasPrice: bigint

The gas price for the call.


optional gasRefund: bigint

Refund counter. Defaults to 0


optional origin: Address

The address where the call originated from. Defaults to the zero address. This defaults to from address if set otherwise it defaults to the zero address


optional selfdestruct: Set<Address>

Addresses to selfdestruct. Defaults to the empty set.


optional skipBalance: boolean

Set caller to msg.value of less than msg.value Defaults to false exceipt for when running scripts where it is set to true


optional stateOverrideSet: StateOverrideSet

The state override set is an optional address-to-state mapping, where each entry specifies some state to be ephemerally overridden prior to executing the call. Each address maps to an object containing: This option cannot be used when createTransaction is set to true

The goal of the state override set is manyfold:

It can be used by DApps to reduce the amount of contract code needed to be deployed on chain. Code that simply returns internal state or does pre-defined validations can be kept off chain and fed to the node on-demand. It can be used for smart contract analysis by extending the code deployed on chain with custom methods and invoking them. This avoids having to download and reconstruct the entire state in a sandbox to run custom code against. It can be used to debug smart contracts in an already deployed large suite of contracts by selectively overriding some code or state and seeing how execution changes. Specialized tooling will probably be necessary.


"0xd9c9cd5f6779558b6e0ed4e6acf6b1947e7fa1f3": {
"balance": "0xde0b6b3a7640000"
"0xebe8efa441b9302a0d7eaecc277c09d20d684540": {
"code": "0x...",
"state": {
"0x...": "0x..."


optional to: Address

The address of the account that is executing this code (address(this)). Defaults to the zero address.


optional value: bigint

The value in ether that is being sent to opts.address. Defaults to 0

Type parameters

TThrowOnFail extends boolean = boolean

